Home » Volunteers needed to join local charities as Board/Committee members to help them manage their finance
Volunteers needed to join local charities as Board/Committee members to help them manage their finance
Published: 4 January 2021
Please note, this article has expired

BAVO’s Link Up project funded by the Lottery Community Fund, is looking for volunteers to join local charities as Board/Committee members to help them manage their finances.
Do you have a background in finance/accounting?
Would you like to volunteer to help your local community in and around Bridgend?
The Charity Trustees responsibilities vary slightly between different organisations, but normally involve:
- Monitoring the financial administration of the charity;
- Reporting to the Board /Management Committee on the financial ‘health’ of the charity;
- Ensuring accounts are ready and filed where required and on time;
- Establishing a productive relationship with Chair, staff and accountant;
- Attending Board meetings (normally two hours every four to eight weeks, many currently take place online) to offer financial advice.
If you have a few hours to spare and would like to do some rewarding voluntary work which will greatly help your local community, please contact Suzanne our Link Up Development Officer: suzannechisholm@bavo.org.uk or Tel: 01656 810400 for further details and to apply.