Anyone working in the third sector interested in health social care and wellbeing is welcome. The venues for these meetings are to be confirmed through the distribution of the Health Social Care and Wellbeing minutes/agenda to the members of the Network.
Read more about the Bridgend Health, Social Care and Wellbeing Network
NEXT MEETING for the HSCWB forum will be held in March (keep an eye out for future updates). Please contact for further information.
The Citizens’ Panel is made up of a group of people who live in Bridgend County Borough and are regularly consulted on services run by the council.
Members of the panel can receive up to three surveys per year on a range of topics, services, and issues, as well as receiving regular newsletters to keep them updated.
For further information or to join, contact BCBC on 01656 810400
Catapulted by the Welsh Government agenda and the Integrated Care Fund, the profile and focus on Social Value is at an all-time high! Transformational change is happening right here, right now! Be part of it!
Read more about the Social Value Forum
Bridgend County Borough Council
Bridgend Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub
Cwm Taf Morgannwg LLAIS (previously Community Health Council)
Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Safeguarding Board
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Regional Partnership Board
Bridgend Public Services Board
Cwm Taf Morgannwg Public services Board
Catch up with our latest health news by visiting our news page here
For further details on any of the above, contact the Healthy Partnerships Team at BAVO, T: 01656 810400 or E: