Section 16 – Social Value Forum

Catapulted by the Welsh Government agenda and the Integrated Care Fund, the profile and focus on Social Value is at an all-time high! Transformational change is happening right here, right now! Be part of it!

What is Section 16 of the Social Services and Wellbeing Act?
Section 16 (2) of the Act states that local authorities are required to promote care and support services, including services for carers, and preventative services which are provided by social enterprises, co-operatives, user-led organisations and third sector organisations.

Section 16/Social Value Forums are now a requirement under the Social Services and Well Being Wales Act 2014 through which Welsh Government introduced a duty on local authorities and local health boards to promote the development of social value organisations in their area.

The aim is to collaborate to achieve real positive change in people’s lives, particularly people in need of support.

Heidi Bennett Chief Executive BAVO added “We are mindful the term wellbeing can mean different things to different people, so there is also a need to really listen and engage with people, and this is something we are all committed to doing through the Social Value Forum!

“Changing what we do, or how we do it can make a big difference to the wellbeing of local service users and citizens and we need to make sure that we understand the impact and bring about positive changes.”

Some recent reports and guides can be read here:



Cwm Taf Morgannwg Social Value Forum host successful winter event

Focusing on the theme ‘Partnership and Principles’, partner organisations from across the new health board region met in December 2019 at a Social Value Form at Bethlehem Church Life Centre.

Our Chief Executive Officer Heidi Bennett, welcomed delegates to the event and introduced the concept of working together to improve the lives of those in our communities. This was followed by updates from Rachel Rowlands, Chair of Cwm Taf Regional Partnership Board and Sarah Jenkins of Public Health Wales. Sally Rees from Wales Council for Voluntary Action also provided feedback on the evaluation of Social Value Forums across Wales.

Representation and compacts within a new region were discussed through a workshop which identified good examples of current partnerships, what could be done to help people feel more involved and how Community Voluntary Councils can help facilitate this moving forward.

Next steps and recommendations

  • Third Sector requires clarity around how third sector mandated representation can be refreshed/ revived and work across the region and across specialisms.  When considering this, conscious thought must be placed on citizen and service user representation with a key focus upon ensuring there is communication, feedback and representation across the region reflecting the diversity in type and size of the third sector;
  • Host a further event open to wider third sector to explore existing practice, barriers/challenges and potential for improvements to take forward the next phase of Third Sector representation in a new regional context;
  • Progress the work of the Regional Compact.

Read full report here

Contact us

For further information, contact BAVO, T: 01656 or E:

  • Third Sector Support Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Investing in Volunteers
  • Quality in Befriending
  • Cyber essentials
  • Cynnig Cymraeg
  • Cultural Competence Silver Award