Community Navigators

What is Community Navigation?

Our service helps people in Bridgend County Borough and their families or carers, to access community level services, information and activities that will help them maintain independent lives which help prevent their circumstances deteriorating to a point where they might need higher level health or social care services.

What does our service do?  

  • Handles requests from organisations or individuals looking to obtain support from local community and voluntary organisations;
  • Works with individuals to identify their needs and then supports them to access community services or activities that they feel are right for them and seeks to provide this information on first contact with the individual ‘making every contact count’;
  • Helps identify areas of unmet need or gaps in service provision, evidence which is then used to help inform the planning of public sector and third sector services.

Who can be introduced into the service?

Ultimately an introduction can be received from anyone including from the individual themselves. Our service is for older people, people with learning disabilities, people with dementia and/or carers of the above.

How do you refer into the service?

Typically, the referrer will fill out a form and send through to

You can download our Referral Form here

You will likely be contacted by a member of our team to gain any additional information before they make contact with the individual.

Where does the service operate?

Our Community Navigators cover the whole of Bridgend County Borough.

Funded through Welsh Government’s Integrated Care Fund. Working in partnership with Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board and Bridgend County Borough Council’s Resilient Connected Communities Programme for Bridgend.

Download our English language information leaflet here

Contact us

For further information contact BAVO, T: 01656 810400 or E:

  • Third Sector Support Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Investing in Volunteers
  • Quality in Befriending
  • Cyber essentials
  • Cynnig Cymraeg
  • Cultural Competence Silver Award