Mental Health and Wellbeing Networks

Photo of young manMental health and wellbeing networks and forums offer local groups an opportunity to meet with other organisations, share ideas and concerns, develop interagency partnerships and to agree voluntary sector standpoints to take forward into consultation with statutory bodies.

If you are an individual or a group from Bridgend County Borough who promotes positive mental health and wellbeing, or provide a service for people with a mental health issue, please contact BAVO.

We can give you information, training and advice on mental health policy, funding etc. If you are a mental health service user, or a carer, we work with other agencies in mental health service planning to best fulfill the needs of service users and carers.

If you want to set up a group we can give you advice about getting started and provide you with resources and access to other specialist groups who might be able to help you further.


If you are an individual or group whose aim is to promote mental health or provide a service for people with a mental health issue within Bridgend County Borough you can connect with the mental health networks listed below.

Drug, Alcohol and Mental Health Services Network

The Drug, Alcohol and Mental Health Services Network (DAMHSN) [dam-sen] is a third sector network that brings together:

  • Local and national organisations who work in the field of mental health and mental wellbeing;
  • Workers, volunteers and volunteers that are involved in supporting people and/or working to combat substance misuse issues.

The network creates opportunities to discuss current issues, potential joint projects, maximising service opportunities and avoiding duplication of work. It is also an opportunity for the wider voluntary sector, which provides services to people who may also have mental health issues, to link in, share information and work in partnership.

The next DAMHSN meeting will be held on Tuesday, 4 February. Please check back for more details soon, alternatively contact for more information.

If you work with or support people with a mental health issue and would like further information on how to be involved and kept informed, contact BAVO, T: 01656 810 400 or E:

CTM ‘Together for Mental Health’ Board

The Cwm Taf Morgannwg (CTM) regional mental health network ‘Together for Mental Health’ brings together the voluntary and community sector from across Bridgend, Merthy Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf county boroughs and Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board.

The aim is to guide, monitor and facilitate the coordinated approach required to deliver the national Together for Mental Health Strategy and has the following core aims:

  • The mental health and wellbeing of the whole population is improved;
  • The impact of mental health problems and/or mental illness on individuals of all ages, their families and carers, communities and the economy more widely, is better recognised and reduced;
  • Inequalities, stigma and discrimination suffered by people experiencing mental health problems and mental illness are reduced;
  • Individuals have a better experience of the support and treatment they receive and have an increased feeling of input and control over related decisions;
  • Access to, and the quality of preventative measures, early intervention and treatment services is improved to increase recovery;
  • The values, attitudes and skills of those treating or supporting individuals of all ages with mental health problems or mental illness are improved.

For further details, contact BAVO, T: 01656 810 400, E: or call 07850 700 377

CTM Third Sector Mental Health Forum

BAVO supports the CTM (Cwm Taf Morgannwg) Third Sector Mental Health Forum with Voluntary Action Merthyr Tydfil (VAMT) and Interlink RCT (Rhondda Cynon Taf). The chair is Janet Whiteman, CEO of New Horizons.

Together we:

  • Connect people and provide information
  • Improve knowledge and awareness of mental health issues and services in the region
  • Influence change and champion better services for all

The Forum brings the voluntary sector together. It draws upon the skills, resources, capacity and strengths of its members to develop and support partnership working, improve mental health service provision and share good practice. We strive to ensure services meet the needs of the people who need support and help people to access the right service at the right time. This includes people that stigma or circumstance hide from plain view.

Next meeting has currently been postponed. Please check back here for more updates soon.

If you would like more information please contact Lucy Williams at BAVO on or call us on 01656 810400.

SUN – Service User Network

The SUN Network supports the full and effective participation of individuals within mental health services. Comprising of service users from various mental health services within Bridgend County Borough, the network provides peer support and training to its members.

Network aims:

  • To be a focal point for people using or having previously used mental health services;
  • Act as a force for change in services;
  • Improve communication between service users and service providers;
  • Promote high standards of service provision and the consideration of new services within Bridgend County Borough.

These aims are worked on through: 


  • Representation in all mental health service planning;
  • Member input during annual World Mental Health Day in October each year.


  • Sharing information on a wide variety of mental health issues in a confidential manner;
  • Raising public awareness through displays and promotions.

Meetings are open to all who access mental health services in Bridgend County Borough.

Please check back for more updates soon.

For further details call BAVO 01656 810400

Contact us

For further details contact BAVO, T: 01656 810400 or E:

  • Third Sector Support Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Investing in Volunteers
  • Quality in Befriending
  • Cyber essentials
  • Cynnig Cymraeg
  • Cultural Competence Silver Award