Join our amazing team – we are looking for a Communications and Engagement Officer

Communications and Engagement Officer

BAVO is about to launch our new strategy and forward programme of work and we are looking for someone who can lead and transform our digital comms and pull together the marketing and engagement work of the organisation.

Our new officer will have a can-do attitude, be dynamic and will already have a wealth of social media and digital tools in their skill set in order to hit the ground running with some pieces of work.

We offer:

  • £29,269 pa pro rata
  • 26 + 8 bank holidays (pro rata if applicable)
  • 30-37 hours per week, open to discussion
  • We pay 8% into your  pension
  • Employee assistance programme
  • Ongoing training and development
  • Reduced cost local Halo gym membership
  • Eye care vouchers
  • Childcare vouchers
  • salary sacrifice pension scheme

We are a supportive organisation. Our team is our greatest asset, they have been instrumental in elevating BAVO’s reputation for delivery and to creating the successful organisation that we have become.

Staff wellbeing is important to us. We care for our staff and equally, our staff care about BAVO.  We are looking for someone to join an awesome and dedicated team with the same level of care and enthusiasm.

We offer guaranteed interviews for those with disabilities, armed forces veterans and reservists who meet the essential criteria.

CLOSING DATE 15th JULY 2024  at 2PM


Fo an application pack, click here

Bridgend County volunteers celebrated at prestigious awards ceremony

The contribution of volunteers from across the county was celebrated on Friday, 7 June at the annual BAVO ‘Unsung Heroes’ Awards and formed part of the 40th anniversary celebrations of ‘Volunteer’s Week’

The ceremony, arranged by Bridgend Association of Voluntary Organisations (BAVO), was held at The Best Western Heronston Hotel.  The event was attended by over 100 volunteers and guests, including His Majesty’s High Sheriff of Mid Glamorgan, Dr Richard Lewis, MBE D CStJ FRCGP and The worshipful the Mayor of Bridgend County, Cllr Heather Griffiths.

The awards celebrate individual and group contributions of volunteers in eight categories. Earlier in the year residents were invited to nominate volunteers in their communities who go above and beyond expectation.

A local panel then shortlisted candidates after careful consideration, and the selected finalists and the eventual winners were notified on the night.

The evening was hosted by Heidi Bennett, BAVO CEO, and Lee Jukes, Radio presenter. Awards were presented by a range of guests including The High Sheriff of Mid Glamorgan, The Mayor for the County Borough and local Senedd members.

Guests were entertained by local harpist Angharad Edwards and the amazing ‘Sing with Us’ Tenovus Choir.

Heidi said: “ We had a huge number of nominations making it a very difficult decision for the panel. However everyone who was nominated has received a certificate of recognition and every single nominee can be proud. We are always incredibly humbled by the time, energy and commitment so many people put into volunteering and helping others.”

Steve Curry BAVO Chair of Trustees, said: “Volunteering has such a positive impact in our communities and people’s lives and the real life stories given at events such as this really demonstrate that impact on a very personal level.

“Congratulations to all our nominees and a huge thank you for everything you do and the difference you make.

“An incredible amount of work goes on behind the scenes to make the night happen so thank you to everyone involved. And thank you to BAVO staff for all your hard work year round.”

The categories and finalists were :

  • Young Volunteer of the Year

Libby Phillips  – Nottage & 2nd Kenfig Hill Brownies & Newton Rainbows   (Winner).
Lara Birtles – Boys & Girls Club of Wales
Seren Kenny – Nantymoel Boys & Girls Club

  • Adult Volunteer of the Year

Lyn Williams – Wyndham Boys & Girls Club (Winner)
Josh Anscombe – The Wallich
Kerry Evans – Cornelly Development Trust

  • Community group/Charity of the Year

Western Beacons Mountain Rescue (Winner)
Cornelly Outreach Group
Greenspace SOS

  • Sports Volunteer of the Year Award

Richard Howe – Bridgend Herons FC (Winner)
Theo Vine-Roberts – Raw Performance
Billy’s Gym & Wellness Centre CIC

  • Outstanding Volunteer Award

Gareth Goth – Welsh Ambulance Community First Responders  (Winner)
Sharon Lima – Nottage & 2nd Kenfig Hill Brownies & Newton Rainbows
Byron Lock– Nantymoel Boys and Girls Club

  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Champions

Porthcawl JOY-Riders (Winner)

  • Trustee Award

Rob Williams  – Boys & Girls Club of Wales  (Winner)
Paula Lunnon – KPC Youth and Community
Manuela Hiett   – The Bridge MPS

The panel also decided to pull out two groups for special recognition

  • Long service Award Winner – Bridgend Samaritans
  • Special Achievement Award Winner – Tenovus Sing with us choir



Silver Cloud – access free CBT for your wellbeing online

It’s recognised that sometimes people need immediate help and support for their mental and emotional wellbeing, and now people across Wales can access free online therapy without needing to go through their GP.


Self-help Support

SilverCloud is a free online therapy treatment promoted by the NHS in Wales that uses proven methods like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help people aged over 16 manage a range of mild to moderate mental health conditions. The different programmes available cover depression, generalised anxiety, social anxiety and health anxiety, as well as OCD, panic, and phobias.

You  can sign-up for a free 12-week course of SilverCloud online therapy via smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.

To find out more about SilverCloud please SilverCloud – Public Health Wales (


More detail about SilverCloud here……..

SilverCloud is a completely confidential internet-based system or platform developed by SilverCloud Health that delivers online therapeutic and psycho-education programs. A variety of programs aim to offer information and support for people experiencing problems related to mental health.  The programmes consist of six to seven modules which can be completed at a time and pace most convenient to the user. Each module contains text, video and audio clips as well as interactive and engaging activities, applications and quizzes that can be completed as the user moves through the module.

SilverCloud is your space for thinking and feeling better.  Most of us face challenges in our lives. From stresses caused by a particular situation at work or home, to deeper and more lasting feelings of anxiety or depression. No one teaches us how to handle these situations and so we’re left to think that there’s something wrong with us, that we’re ill.  It does not have to be this way.

With the right insight, advice and actions, most people can take an active role in thinking and feeling better. And they deliver programmes that build on this belief.  SilverCloud is clinically validated and is the result of over 17 years of clinical research and studies have shown that it works.

Demential Grants round opens for Bridgend County voluntary groups

Third Sector Grant Scheme (Dementia Care): Revenue Grants

Deadline – 5pm, Thursday 28th March 2024

Supported by the Welsh Government Regional Integration Fund

Grants of up to £150,000 pa for a 2 year delivery period are available for projects
led by voluntary and community groups/organisations based and working in
Bridgend, Merthyr Tydfil or Rhondda Cynon Taff.


  • Combat loneliness and isolation of people living with dementia,
    their family and Carers
  • Prevent unnecessary access to statutory services/support discharge
  • Support beneficiary groups to maintain their health, wellbeing and independence
  • Helping community and voluntary organisations build capacity

Who For?

Projects will need to support one or more of the following beneficiary Groups:

  • People living with Dementia
  • Carers/Family of people living with dementia


Application Form and Guidelines available from

For more information contact:

Laura Dadic – BAVO: 01656 810400

Proposed cuts to the third sector propping up front line services – share your views

Representatives from every corner of the voluntary sector in Wales have jointly expressed their alarm at the draft Welsh Government budget and the future direction of travel.

The Third Sector Partnership Council (TSPC) is a key mechanism for voluntary organisations to talk to, and hear from, Welsh Government. Together TSPC members represent all areas of work for the voluntary sector in Wales.
Following the announcement of Welsh Government’s draft budget, and our statement on the alarming consequences for the voluntary sector in Wales, TSPC representatives have released the following joint statement.
The Third Sector Partnership Council (TSPC) wants to express its anger and deep concern at the proposed cuts in Welsh Government’s draft budget for 2024/25.
An alarming direction of travel
  1. This budget sets out an alarming direction of travel where the voluntary sector is expected to deliver and prop-up frontline services without being involved in decision making or having sufficient resources to operate.
Welsh Government’s lack of funding for early intervention and prevention programmes and its failure to invite the voluntary sector to work together in finding solutions to the crises facing Wales are deeply concerning.
Citizens Advice Cymru are supporting a record number of people this winter, many needing referral to crisis support services, such as food banks. Building Communities Trust’s preliminary survey results show 60% of community organisations are dealing with new types of needs for their service users and 45% are operating services previously provided by the public sector.
This demonstrates a dangerous shift of responsibility onto the voluntary sector without providing the necessary support, coordination and collaboration. The voluntary sector must be valued and equal partners in achieving our shared ambitions.
Contradicting the Well-being of Future Generations Act
  1. Welsh Government is contradicting the Well-being of Future Generations Act, its own legislation, with short-term thinking that is damaging to the people of Wales in the long term.
The Well-being of Future Generations Act’s goals cannot be achieved without appropriate investment or adhering to the Five Ways of Working: long-term, integration, involvement, collaboration and prevention. There is little evidence Welsh Government has used these principles in the drafting process of this budget, which severely undermines the ability of public bodies and voluntary organisations to enact them in the new financial year.
The Future Generations Commissioner noted in his Submission to the Senedd Finance Committee on 10 January 2024:
‘The prevalence of crisis situations in recent years means that now more than ever we need to be investing in preventative approaches so that we mitigate future problems and are better equipped to deal with them.’
Long-standing injustices, like homelessness, will only deepen. The proposed Homelessness Support and Prevention budget is
£3m less than in the indicative budget published in February 2023. The draft budget also proposes a real terms cut in Housing Support Grant funding. This is despite a Cymorth Cymru survey indicating that 66% of providers already operate waiting lists for services and 40% are likely to cease services if there is no funding uplift.
Ambitions like ending homelessness in Wales, as set out in Welsh Government’s White Paper, cannot be achieved without cross-sector collaboration, appropriate support and funding.
Voluntary sector hit hard across several portfolios
  1. The draft budget will hit the voluntary sector hard across several key areas of work, undermining organisations tackling some of Wales’ biggest threats like entrenched poverty, health inequalities and the climate and nature emergency.
The cuts contain another significant reduction to the Social Justice budget, creating uncertainty for equalities-based voluntary organisations that represent people who are disadvantaged or discriminated against. Following the closure of the national women’s equality charity, Chwarae Teg, there has been no redistribution of funds to support services for women.
Beyond the Social Justice budget, many essential services and activities that the voluntary sector provides fall across Welsh Government portfolios, other public bodies and Local Government. The impact of these cuts goes beyond the direct reduction of funding to voluntary organisations. It impacts all public services, many of which rely on collaboration with the voluntary sector to reduce the already overwhelming numbers of people arriving at their doors for help and support.
The fallout from the draft budget will land hardest on the most vulnerable people in Wales and place an increasing number at greater risk. This includes people already facing poverty, social exclusion and worsening physical and mental health. Inadequate funding for wrap-around voluntary sector health and social care services, for example, will result in increased pressure on Wales’ vital public services at a time when they are already struggling to cope with rising demand.
Our next steps
In the coming days, we will continue to engage with the budget scrutiny process to raise the voluntary sector’s concerns and the significance of the wider impacts that these funding decisions will have. We have a range of considered proposals that offer different solutions, and we would be happy to discuss them with Welsh Government, public service providers and our wider network.
About the Third sector Partnership Council (TSPC)
The TSPC network is made up of representatives of voluntary sector networks working across 25 areas of sector activity.
The main purpose of the TSPC is to make sure that the principles set out in the Third Sector Scheme are put into practice. It also provides an opportunity for the sector to raise issues of interest or concern.
The current members of the TSPC can be found here.
Have you been affected by this draft budget? If so, please contact Please cc us at

Get help and support with the cost of living

From time to time we all need some help and support.

With the rising costs of living, many people in Wales need that help now.

The Welsh Government is doing everything it can to put money back into people’s pockets.

There is support available to you that could help you with some of your living costs.

‘Claim What’s Yours’ by calling the Advicelink Cymru helpline

If you are unsure about what support is available to you, Advicelink Cymru can help you check what you are entitled to and to claim what’s yours.

When you call Advicelink Cymru, on 0808 250 5700, you will get free and confidential advice about money you may be entitled to.

Advicelink Cymru can help you:

  • Apply for welfare benefits, such as Personal Independence Payment, Carers Allowance and Pension Credit
  • Get Welsh Government support

The Advicelink Cymru helpline can also arrange for you to get help with debt and personal finance issues.

How do I contact Advicelink Cymru?

Call the free helpline on 0808 250 5700 today to speak to an Advicelink Cymru advisor.

Lines are open from Monday to Friday between 9am to 5pm. Croesawir galwadau yn Gymraeg / Calls are welcomed in Welsh.

What happens when I call the helpline?

When you contact Advicelink Cymru, a trained advisor will talk to you about your circumstances and help you find out what support is available.

You will be offered support with the claim process and help  to fill in any claim forms. Advisors can also let you know what evidence you will need to support your claim.

Advicelink Cymru is a Welsh Government funded Citizens Advice service designed to help people who are most in need of advice services, particularly those who would not usually seek advice.

Charity Commission Event | 30 January

As the Charity Commission’s current five-year strategy draws to a close, the Commission will be holding an event that will set out what you can expect from their new strategy, ahead of its formal launch in February 2024.

The Commission’s Chair, Orlando Fraser KC, and Chief Executive, Helen Stephenson CBE, will share how the Commission intends to achieve its ambition of being the expert Commission that operates with fairness, balance and independence.

The Commission’s Chair and Chief Executive will be joined by Board members, including Pippa Britton OBE, the Charity Commission’s Welsh Board Member. The Commission intends to keep the formalities to a minimum, allowing opportunity for informal discussion and networking.

The event will be held on 30 January 2024 at Makers Guild Wales, arrival from 6pm until 7.30pm.

The event is open to Chairs and Chief Executives of registered charities. If you wish to attend, please register in advance by contacting

Taff Ely Onshore Wind Farm Fund

The Taff Ely Wind Farm Community Fund is provided by Ventient Energy Ltd. They have invested over £40,000 into local activities and projects in communities surrounding the site since 2001. The Fund is administered by Interlink RCT, the umbrella body for all local community and voluntary groups in Rhondda Cynon Taf.

What’s available?

Each year £2,500 is available. Grants may be awarded for capital or revenue up to a maximum of £500.

Who can apply?

The fund is available to community groups that benefit the following areas:

  • Blackmill
  • Evanstown
  • Gilfach Goch
  • Tonyrefail
  • Thomastown
  • Llanharan
  • Bryncae
  • Heol Y Cyw

Grants can be applied for to support organisational aims and objectives, recruit new members, involve more people from the community and help to develop services.

Only one application can be made per group.

Find out more

To find out more about the fund, please contact the Community Advice Team at Interlink RCT. Call 01443 846200 or email

Rockwool UK

Rockwool was established in 1937 and is a market leader for stone wool insulation. The primary Rockwool UK site is located in Pencoed, Bridgend. They organise a programme of community activity in and around their local community of Pencoed.

What’s available?

A programme of philanthropic donations and sponsorships forms a core part of their drive to make a positive social and environmental impact as a business, particularly in the fields of health, housing and the environment. The majority of the donations will be to local projects within these three priorities:

  1. Support, and give back to, the local community in South Wales
  2. Support charitable projects which align with Rockwool’s priority areas
  3. Help foster good community relations

The donations programme also supports their staff team, who are active in organising charitable fundraising activities.

Grants: unspecified value

Deadlines: three times a year

‌Find out more

For more information about the Rockwool UK philanthropic donations and sponsorship programme, and to request an application form, email


Sport Wales – Be Active Wales

The Be Active Wales Fund offers grants from £300 to £50,000 to sports clubs and community organisations to support projects that promote equality, sustainability and innovation in sport. 

Please Note: Applications to the Be Active Wales Fund this financial year need to in by Wednesday 31 January 2024. Any applications made after this date will not be processed until April and will be counted in the 2024-25 round of funding.

Who can apply?

All not-for-profit sport clubs or organisations in Wales can apply, regardless of their size or location, if you meet the funding conditions and requirements.

To be eligible for the Be Active Wales Fund, your organisation must:

  • Be a not-for-profit sports club or community organisation
  • Run activities that take place in Wales and be primarily for Welsh residents
  • Want to fund projects or activities that have not yet started
  • Use the funds for the community as a whole, not just for the benefit of a specific school
  • Promote equality, sustainability, and innovation in sport projects
  • Demonstrate how your project will increase access to physical activity

What’s available?

The minimum award is £300 and the maximum award is £50,000*.

Funding is awarded on a sliding scale. You will need to make a contribution of 10% for grants over £10k or 20% for more than £25k.

  • 100% grant up to £10,000
  • 90% grant for awards between £10,001 and £25,000
  • 80% grant for awards between £25,001 and £50,000

Read more

There’s more about Be Active Wales on Sport Wales website

Youth Led Grants

Youth Led Grants is an initiative funded by the Welsh Government to support a range of volunteering projects and activities that are led and carried out by young people.

The aim of the funding is to help young people to volunteer aged 14 – 25 to be more involved in community and voluntary organisations in their local community.

The Youth Bridgend Funding Group is made up of a group of young people aged 14 – 25 living in Bridgend County Borough.  The panel is supported by BAVO.

Further information contact: BAVO T: 01656 810400 or E:

Open once a year. Dates for 2024 to be confirmed.

Read more

There’s more about Youth Led Grants on WCVA website

3 steps to help stop Loan Fee Fraud

With the pressures on the cost of living continuing, up to 1 in 5 of the UK population are taking out loans to cope.  This is coupled with scams on the rise is creating a dangerous combination whereby those most vulnerable in society are increasingly at risk of falling victim to loan fee fraud.

Loan fee fraud is when someone who is looking for a loan is asked to pay an upfront fee before receiving it. They pay the fee, but they never get the loan.

To support people the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) are running a campaign to increase awareness of loan scams and the 3-step check that can help protect people.

The 3-step check

Looking for a loan? Protect yourself from loan fee fraud.

Pause and do the 3 step check.

  1. Cold called?
  2. Asked to pay an upfront fee?
  3. Pressured to pay quickly or unusually?

Tick any of these? STOP it could be a scam.

If you need to apply for a loan, you should only deal with authorised firms. If you don’t, you won’t be protected if things go wrong, and you could end up losing lots of money.

  • Check the Financial Services Register to find out if the firm is authorised.
  • Check that the firm’s contact details match the details on the Register.
  • Always use the contact details on the Register, rather than a direct line or email you’ve been given.
  • If there are no contact details on the Register, or the firm claims they are out of date, call the FCA on 0800 111 6768.

Loan Fee Fraud Toolkit

A free toolkit is available to help raise awareness of the issue, which now includes Welsh translations. To help raise awareness please use the resources included in the Loan free fraud Partner Toolkit (pdf, 3.5mb)

If you have any questions or queries, please contact Geli Leach on

  • Third Sector Support Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Investing in Volunteers
  • Quality in Befriending
  • Cyber essentials
  • Cynnig Cymraeg
  • Cultural Competence Silver Award