Wednesday 12 May from 2 – 4pm
Join Green Links Bridgend during Mental Health Awareness Week (10 – 16 May 2021) for an art workshop celebrating the beautiful sand dunes of Bridgend.
Green Links Bridgend are joining forces with BAVO, Dynamic Dunescapes, Carnegie House, Mental Health Matters Wales and HALO to bring you a free, two hour painting workshop. They will be creating sand dune inspired celebration flags, which will be used to connect with other dune communities on World Sand Dune Day – 25 June 2021. All attendees at this workshop will be invited to this celebration event.
Carnegie House artist-in-resident, Claire Hiett, will take you on an exciting painting journey that will remind you that nature has the capacity to restore our equilibrium and enhance our wellbeing.
Inspired by artist Georgia O’Keeffe, Claire will explore the idea that rather than copying nature, art can be created through elements of composition, such as line, mass, colour, texture. Claire will guide you through ways to use dune systems as inspiration to create double-sided flags, exploring image and text.
You can find out further details and register your place here.
A zoom link will follow, together with details about the event. Numbers are limited.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact