The Welsh Charity Awards will no longer take place in 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis, instead the whole of October will be dedicated to recognising the amazing work of voluntary organisations and volunteers.
Organised by Wales Coucil for Voluntary Action (WCVA), the Welsh Charity Awards recognise and celebrate the fantastic contribution charities, community groups, not-for-profits and volunteers make to Wales.
WCVA has made the difficult decision to cancel this year’s awards with the safety of all involved in mind. It was not an easy decision to make as the ceremony is such an important event to highlight and champion the voluntary sector in Wales.
However, with so many groups and individuals doing so much to support people in Wales during this difficult time, WCVA think it’s more important than ever to shout loud and proud about the work of voluntary organisations. And they need your help!
Get involved in the #NotTheWelshCharityAwards campaign:
WCVA’s campaign will take place throughout October and they’ll be sharing your stories about how a voluntary organisation or volunteer has had a big impact on your life over the last year.
They’d like to hear about the community groups, social enterprises, not-for-profit groups of all kinds (and volunteers!) that you would nominate for the #NotTheWelshCharityAwards.
There are two ways to get involved.
1. Send a video.
2. Tell WCVA your story on social media.