To mark World Mental Health Day 2020, organisations across the Cwm Taf Morgannwg region are illuminating their buildings in green, a nod to the green ribbon – the international symbol for mental health awareness.
Here in Bridgend County Borough, the Grand Pavilion in Porthcawl, Bridgend Civic Offices and the Angelton Clinic at Glanrhyd Hospital will be ‘going green’ at 7pm on Saturday 10 October 2020, with the aim of creating conversation around mental health and wellbeing, and working to end the stigma long associated with mental health conditions.
Community and voluntary groups are encouraged to join in the day by illuminating or decorating their premises in green, or by simply sharing information and resources across social media.
In current times, there has been a dramatic rise in people reporting to be experiencing anxiety and poor mental health as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. BAVO and its member organisations are here to help.
For further information on mental health and wellbeing services within Bridgend County Borough, contact: BAVO: T: 01656 810400 and look at our Mental Health and Wellbeing page here