Updated guidance for reopening community centres

Published: 15 June 2021

WCVA guidance for community centres reopening in Wales (updated 8 June 2021)

This guidance is for community centres based in Wales to provide you with a brief overview of how to prepare for restarting your services. At the time of writing this revised guidance Wales is gradually
transitioning through alert levels. See the Coronavirus Control Plan published by Welsh Government for information on the various alert levels.

You can download WCVA’s guidance for community centres reopening in Wales here

WCVA has released sample Terms and Conditions for community centre managers in Wales to use when hiring out community centres.

Community centres are able to open and this latest guidance is intended to outline changes to the regulations and provide you with practical ways to open your community centre.

Welsh Government guidance on the reopening and safe use of multi-purpose community centres (updated 10 May 2021)

This guidance is for those managing community centres, village halls, church halls and other community centres, on safely re-opening multi-purpose buildings. However, it will also be relevant to those hiring or using a community centre.  You can download the guidance here

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