Self-referral online form for unpaid carers launched for COVID-19 vaccination

Published: 1 May 2021
Please note, this article has expired

Unpaid carers who may not be registered as an unpaid carer with their GP are being asked to come forward by completing a new online self-referral form in order to receive their Covid-19 vaccine as part of priority group 6.

If you are the sole or primary carer (unpaid) for an elderly or disabled person who is clinically vulnerable, you are now eligible for a vaccine.

Those clinically vulnerable to COVID-19 include:

  • children with severe neuro-disabilities;
  • those who are designated Clinically Extremely vulnerable (CEV), adults who have underlying health conditions;
  • those who need care because of advanced age.

If you are already registered as an unpaid carer with your GP you will be contacted by your practice automatically. You do not have to do anything.

Otherwise you will need to complete an online booking form. Forms are available on the NHS health board web pages. You need to select your local health board (or the health board where your GP is based). Once you have completed the form you will be invited for your COVID-19 vaccine.

Find out more here


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