BAVO need your help – our work is being evaluated by the Institute of Public Care

Published: 3 November 2021
Please note, this article has expired

As someone who can really help us, we are hoping you will be able to complete the attached short survey.

We hope that you will take the 5-10 mins needed to complete this survey which will help highlight what has been achieved. it could make all the difference to how we do things in future, and whether the support offered remains a priority.

Detailed brief attached  here and link to survey.

The survey will only be available until November 19th 2021.

It relates to the work that has taken place between BAVO, BCBC,  local voluntary/community groups and communities  during the pandemic where we worked to ensure that people were supported, and since then – the ongoing support.

When answering the questions, our programme is called “Ambition 3: Building Resilient and Co-ordinated Communities” but we appreciate that this title may not be familiar to you and covers a lot of things.

You just have to tick that box and follow the questions…not all will apply to your own experiences and that’s fine.

The type of things that are included in our programme are the volunteers that stepped up and were trained  to meet people’s needs; the large numbers of community partners who have provided help and support and prevented peoples situations getting worse;  the work of the local community co-ordinators helping people to stay well in their communities and BAVO community navigators who have been signposting people to support within communities, and of course your own role in all of the above if you have been helping too.

The kinds of things supported included pharmacy collections, issuing food bank vouchers and food parcel deliveries, volunteer food shopping, telephone befriending for older people, and door-step welfare checks on people who were shielding and vulnerable. We also gave out grants to help groups get support to people quickly and to scale up their volunteering response.

There were also community groups providing hot meals, local food deliveries, dog walking,  family support to people with isolated children with additional needs, activity packs, online exercise, and localised services such as neighbourhood help groups.

Thank you for your help with this, we really appreciate it!

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