‘Reflections and Projections: Looking back Covid 19 impact; looking forward to Recovery’ 

Wednesday 24 March 2021 from 12.30 – 2pm

Over the past year, EYST Wales held regular online forums on the impact of Covid 19 and systematic racism on Black, Asian and ethnic minority people and communities in Wales. 

They were joined by numerous community members, activists and organisations, totalling over 800 individuals, in this endeavour  and Dr. Roiyah Saltus has produced a paper ‘Holding on to the Gains: BAME Covid Experiences in Wales’ analysing the evidence from those forums.  This also occurred in the context of renewed Black Lives Matter movement and ongoing development of a Race Equality Action Plan for Wales.

Eyst want to invite people to come together and:

  • review the body of evidence and current context;
  • discuss opportunities for action in the coming year;
  • discuss what public funding priorities should be in the coming year (especially as Welsh Government is currently consulting on the future of Equalities and Inclusion funding).

As with all the previous forums, Eyst hope to find solutions, support each other, and ensure that people throughout Wales can access what they need.   They would like to collate all this information and pass it on to the Welsh Government and also use it to respond to Welsh Government’s current consultation on its proposal for a Equalities and Inclusion Funding for Wales.

Eyst hope you can join them to ask and answer the important questions of what do we want to see happen next for BAME communities and race equality in Wales.

Please join with this link:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82643650261

For queries or info, contact Ginger – ginger@eyst.org.uk

  • Third Sector Support Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Investing in Volunteers
  • Quality in Befriending
  • Cyber essentials
  • Cynnig Cymraeg
  • Cultural Competence Silver Award