Race Alliance Wales launches peer-research report: ‘Show Us You Care’

Published: 4 June 2021

The report explores the cumulative impact of racism in education upon racialised young people in Wales, through retrospective accounts of young people reflecting on their education journeys.

It shows the repeated trauma caused by racism and also shows that racism threatens all of the rights of a child, including the child’s rights to safety, to education, and to taking part in decisions.

You can download their report here.

Race Alliance Wales aims to provide a self-directed space where racialised individuals and
ethnic minority led/focussed organisations can come together to discuss experiences as racialised
people and communities in Wales, and the ways in which we challenge broad scope racism in the
nation and beyond.


  • Third Sector Support Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Investing in Volunteers
  • Quality in Befriending
  • Cyber essentials
  • Cynnig Cymraeg
  • Cultural Competence Silver Award