Make you mark on this Survey! Third Sector Trends in Wales 2022

Published: 15 August 2022
Please note, this article has expired

What is the study about?

Third Sector Trends began in 2008 and is the longest running study of the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in the UK. The study, which takes place every three years, covers England and Wales – receiving over 4,000 responses in 2019.

So far, in 2022, we have received 4,575 responses (Friday 12th August), but we want more evidence and data from Wales groups.

You can click this link to join the survey: Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022 (

The findings from the study complement Charity Commission, NCVO Civil Society Almanac and 360Giving data to produce robust estimates on employment, volunteering, sector finance and assets. The study then looks at how the ‘energy’ the sector has at its disposal is applied to local causes.

Even though this is a large-scale study, its purpose is to study the structure, dynamics and impact of the ‘local’ VCSE sector. Only by looking at several areas, is it possible to understand individual localities properly.

Over the years, study has been supported by a range of funders including Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland, Charity Bank, Barrow Cadbury Trust, Garfield Weston, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Millfield House Foundation, Power to Change, Northern Rock Foundation, Sport England together with several local authorities, combined authorities and the NHS.

‘Third Sector Trends’ is independent and impartial. As such it aims to provide objective interpretation of rigorously collected data to serve the interests of the voluntary sector, local public and health sector, the Lottery, charitable trusts and foundations and businesses.

What evidence does the study collect?

The survey has a core set of questions which never change to ensure comparability. But in each round of the research, there is space to explore contemporary issues. The 2022 survey has, for example, specific focus on the following issues:

  • The extent to which the Covid pandemic has reshaped and refocused VCSE sector activity.
  • The positive role the VCSE sector can play in ‘levelling up’, ‘localism’ and ‘community wealth building’ agendas.
  • The contribution the VCSE sector can make to public health and, specifically, healthy life expectancy.
  • How the VCSE helps to secure economic and social wellbeing in localities.

How are the findings used?

The study is widely used by local authorities, combined authorities, NHS partnerships and VCSE infrastructure organisations in their strategic work and policy formulation. To view the various study reports, visit this website: Third sector trends research | Community Foundation

For further information, please contact Professor Tony Chapman, Director of Policy and Practice, St Chad’s College, Durham University, Email:

To start the survey, click this link: Third Sector Trends 2022


The Third Sector Trends Survey runs until Friday 30th September

  • Third Sector Support Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Investing in Volunteers
  • Quality in Befriending
  • Cyber essentials
  • Cynnig Cymraeg
  • Cultural Competence Silver Award