Project ID: 22414
Annual Stipend: £11.8k p.a
Application Deadline: Midnight Sunday 25 July 2021
Here is an exciting opportunity to study the SPARK Arts for Health intervention which could lead to entirely new approaches in the use of creative and participatory arts-based activities to reduce social isolation and loneliness for older people in Wales.
The selected candidate will apply their research skills and ambition to deliver this very topical evaluation project. This Realist Review and Evaluation study will allow the student to develop transferrable knowledge and skills in this emerging field of research spanning arts practice and social care.
This Knowledge Economy Skills Scholarship (KESS) project will be held in the Faculty Life Sciences and Education at the University of South Wales and the Wales School for Social Prescribing Research (WSSPR). KESS is a programme funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) awarded by the Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO) in the Welsh Government. The MbyRes will be undertaken in association with Re-Live UK. The project will focus on the experience of stakeholders associated with the delivery of the ‘SPARK’ Arts in Health intervention; a detailed evaluation of this will contribute to building an evidence-base for a participatory arts project, generating a Realist Programme Theory that will allow the intervention to be scaled and deployed elsewhere in Wales.
Find out more and how to apply here