Basic Safeguarding Awareness 17th July from 12:30 – 15:00

Help your Trustees, volunteers and staff protect the vulnerable

Being proactive in protecting children and adults at risk helps keep them safe and healthy.

This safeguarding session gives participants a basic understanding of who might be vulnerable to harm, neglect, abuse and exploitation, and offers guidance on prevention and intervention strategies. Covering topics from understanding what safeguarding means and recognising signs of abuse to complying with legal responsibilities, this series will help educate and prepare your organisation for protecting the vulnerable.

The FREE session will cover

  • What is safeguarding
  • Why is it important to your organisation
  • Types of Abuse
  • What to do is you have concerns or someone discloses?
  • Responsibilities

Please note whilst the course is FREE, a fee is charged for no-shows or late cancellations – please visit our training page for terms and conditions.


Professional Boundaries Training – 15th July from 10am-12pm

This FREE face to face course is suitable for Trustees, employees and volunteers.

Professional boundaries are an important part of any setting particularly when working with the public or in health and care setting.

This session will help define boundaries that contribute to the development of effective and respectful relationships in the workplace.

If professional boundaries are not clearly defined, there can be a great deal of confusion about roles and responsibilities, which can lead to conflicts, audit issues and operational problems.

You will understand

  • What professional boundaries are and mean
  • Understand why they are needed
  • your own boundaries
  • how to set boundaries and report concerns

Book your place here:

Please refer to our training page for Terms and conditions. Whilst the course is free, no-shows and  late cancellation charges apply.

Basic Safeguarding Training – 26th June at 1pm

Did you know ‘Safeguarding’ is everyone’s business and we all have a duty?

From this basic session  you will understand…

  • What does safeguarding mean?
  • What is it important for your organisation?
  • What are the types of abuse”
  • What do I do if I discover someone is being abused or someone discloses to me?
  • What are my responsibilities as a Trustee, volunteer or employee?

BOOK HERE for the next session 26th June 2024 from 1pm – 3.30pm

Resilience and Wellbeing sessions in January

Cwm Taf Morgannwg Mind is proud to be working alongside BAVO to offer free courses that are designed to support the community to become experts in their own self-care.

During the sessions we will create a transformational and safe space where

we learn more about mental health conditions, discover new coping techniques and learn more through hearing lived experiences.

Sessions and Dates

These FREE sessions will take place 10am till 12 noon at the BAVO office in Maesteg.

Wednesday 10 January | Stress & Anxiety

Find out more about possible signs and symptoms of stress and anxiety. Learn the difference between the two and begin to develop knowledge on coping techniques.

Wednesday 17 January | Self-care & Sleep

Find out more about the importance of sleep and how this can impact on mental health conditions, as well as looking at how technology can support self-care.

Wednesday 24 January | Depression

Find out more about the possible signs and symptoms of depression in ourselves and others and learn more about how to help someone if you think they are experiencing depression.

Wednesday 31 January | Food & Mood

Find out more about how making slight changes to the things you eat and drink can make big changes to your mental health.

You’re invited to come to as few or as many sessions as you like. To let us know that you are interested please get in touch with Alison at BAVO

18 January | In your area: Ogmore Vale, Wyndham, Lewistown

The BAVO Development Team will be In Your Area: Ogmore Vale, Wyndham, Lewistown on 18 January.

BAVO is going out and about to meet you “on your patch”. If you work in the Aberkenfig, Tondu, Sarn, Glanogwr or Evanstown areas we would love to visit your group.

We want this to be an opportunity for the team to come and see the fantastic work you do first hand, and also to chat about any support you need.

BAVO supports the third sector with:

  • Access to funding
  • Groups looking to develop services, including ‘green’ activities
  • New groups looking to start up
  • Building connections via a range of Networks and Forums
  • Training opportunities and more!

Get in touch so we can schedule in a visit to you on 18 January. We look forward to meeting you.

Please email:

Get Connected – Breakfast Speed Networking

Join us for a morning of Speed Networking.

This is your chance to find out about other organisations working in Bridgend County and to share the love about your organisation.

It’s a great opportunity to build new relationships and get connected!

Continental breakfast provided. Places are limited to a maximum of 2 people per organisation.

When | Wednesday 14 February, 9am – 11am

Where | Westward Community Centre, Llangewydd Road, Bridgend CF31 4JR

Please register online or to find out more please contact Alison at BAVO –

12 December | Green Network

BAVO invites you to the next meeting of the Bridgend Green Network – now hosted by BAVO.

When: Tuesday 12 December, 11am to 1pm

Where: SUSSED shop, Porthcawl CF36 3BG

All welcome for nice fairtrade tea & coffee and good conversations… (and get your Fairtrade/Eco Xmas pressies at the shop too:)

The theme of this meeting is planning our ECO Day event scheduled for Saturday 20 April in Porthcawl – save the date!

We want as many partners and friends to join with us to make this day a BIG green/blue/eco day a positive success to promote awareness and make a difference where we can.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Contact Alex at BAVO for more info / 07368 422907

This meeting is being supported by the amazing SUSSED Fairtrade shop and project in Porthcawl, developed by Sustainable Wales.

Neurodiversity, young people and families

BAVO and Cwm Taf Morgannwg Regional Partnership Board (RPB) are holding a neurodiversity engagement session for young people and families.
When: 11 December, 4pm – 6pm
Where: Kenfig Hill Rugby Club, CF33 6BU
Who: Children, young people and their families in Bridgend County

About the event

Improving support for neurodivergent children, young people and their families is a priority for the RPB across Cwm Taf Morgannwg. As part of this commitment, they want to understand current provision of support services, to identify gaps and to outline options for the future.

At event you will be asked:  “What is the thing we most need to hear and focus on about neurodivergent services in your area, what is working well and what would you like to see?”

People with lived experience, who you may support, and their carers are all invited.

This is the third in person event to help the RPB understand what services should look like in the future. This event is being facilitated to enable the specific voice of children and young people across Bridgend County to be heard. It’s your opportunity to add your voice and share what really matters to you. This will then inform how services evolve.

Refreshments will be provided, as well as a Christmas craft activity. Travel expenses can be paid.

To confirm your attendance or with any questions please contact Laura for information:
Call 01656 810400 or 07850 700377  or email

1 December | In your area: Aberkenfig, Tondu, Sarn, Glanogwr, Evanstown

The BAVO Development Team will be In Your Area: Aberkenfig, Tondu, Sarn, Glanogwr and Evanstown on 1 December.

BAVO is going out and about to meet you “on your patch”. If you work in the Aberkenfig, Tondu, Sarn, Glanogwr or Evanstown areas we would love to visit your group.

We want this to be an opportunity for the team to come and see the fantastic work you do first hand, and also to chat about any support you need.

BAVO supports the third sector with:

  • Access to funding
  • Groups looking to develop services, including ‘green’ activities
  • New groups looking to start up
  • Building connections via a range of Networks and Forums
  • Training opportunities and more!

Get in touch so we can schedule in a visit to you on 1 December. We look forward to meeting you.

Please email:

20 November | In Your Area: Coytrahen, Bettws, Llangynwyd, Cwmfelin

The BAVO Development Team will be In Your Area: Coytrahen, Bettws, Llangynwyd and Cwmfelin on 20 November.

Graphis with a circle showing hills and sky with the words "In Your Area"BAVO is going out and about to meet you “on your patch”. If you work in the Coytrahen, Bettws, Llangynwyd or Cwmfelin areas we would love to visit your group.

We want this to be an opportunity for the team to come and see the fantastic work you do first hand, and also to chat about any support you need.

BAVO supports the third sector with:

  • Access to funding [Claire]
  • Groups looking to develop services, including ‘green’ activities [Alison, Claire & Alex]
  • New groups looking to start up [Jackie]
  • Building connections via a range of Networks and Forums [Rhodri]
  • Training opportunities and more!

Get in touch so we can schedule in a visit to you on 20 November. We look forward to meeting you.

Please email:

5 December | In Your Area: Bryncethin & Llangeinor

The BAVO Development Team will be In Your Area: Bryncethin & Llangeinor on 5 December.

BAVO is going out and about to meet you “on your patch”. If you work in the Bryncethin & Llangeinor area we would love to visit your group.

We want this to be an opportunity for the team to come and see the fantastic work you do first hand, and also to chat about any support you need.

BAVO supports the third sector with:

  • Access to funding
  • Groups looking to develop services, including ‘green’ activities
  • New groups looking to start up
  • Building connections via a range of Networks and Forums
  • Training opportunities and more!

Get in touch so we can schedule in a visit to you on 5 December. We look forward to meeting you.

Please email:

Drug Alcohol Mental Health Service Network Meeting

BAVO hosts the next Drug Alcohol Mental Health Service Network (DAMHSN) meeting on Thursday 25 January. This will be online via Microsoft Teams 10am – 12noon.

If you are an individual or group whose aim is to promote mental health or provide a service for people with a mental health issue within Bridgend County Borough your invited to connect with DAMHSN.

About the Drug Alcohol Mental Health Service Network

DAMHSN brings together local and national organisations who work in the field of mental health and mental wellbeing in Bridgend; and staff and volunteers that are involved in supporting people and/or working to combat substance misuse issues in Bridgend.

The network creates opportunities to discuss current issues, potential joint projects, maximising service opportunities and avoiding duplication of work. It is also an opportunity for the wider voluntary sector, which provides services to people who may also have mental health issues, to link in, share information and work in partnership.

For the meeting details please contact Laura Dadic email or call 07850 700 377.

  • Third Sector Support Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Investing in Volunteers
  • Quality in Befriending
  • Cyber essentials
  • Cynnig Cymraeg
  • Cultural Competence Silver Award