‘Connecting carers’ across Bridgend

Published: 4 February 2021
Please note, this article has expired

‘Connecting Carers’ is a project involving Bridgend County Borough Council and Wales Co-operative Centre which aims to use co-operation and collaboration to put carers in charge of improving opportunities for greater well-being.

Are you looking after someone in your family, a friend or a neighbour? Would you like to meet others in your community to share your experiences and help support each other?

‘Connecting Carers’ can help you to:

  • meet new people who also have caring responsibilities;
  • arrange fun social activities;
  • use technology to meet, chat and stay in touch;
  • set-up your own small group to help you look after
    yourself and each other.

You can find out further information here.
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During November 2020, Connecting Carers hosted three lives chat sessions with representatives from cooperative carer groups – Me, Myself and I, Cwtch Together and Flintshire Do It.

Each of the group’s founders took part in a Question-and-answer session on why they started their groups, what gaps they identified locally and how they worked cooperatively with other members to deliver activities. Participants were able to listen to the guest speakers and ask questions about how they support carers. In total 27 participants attended the sessions with many more being sent the recordings.

The aim of the events was to raise awareness of the different opportunities available to carers who would like to consider working and connecting with others (carers) to meet their own well-being needs.

In January they are planning to host some more live chats, starting with parent/carers of children with additional or complex needs. They will be inviting guest parents who have set up their own support groups from Bridgend to find out more about what they do and how they do it!

If anyone would like to listen to the recordings of the chat sessions, visit www.Facebook.com/BridgendConnectingCarers

More information and invitations to the live Zoom chats to will follow in the New Year.

For further details Paula Lunnon, T: mobile: 07776 961253, E: paula.lunnon@wales.coop

Wales Co-operative Centre is not a care provider. They are an independent organisation
working with people, communities and enterprises to improve lives and livelihoods: www.wales.coop
Connecting Carers is busy Connecting Carers is busy working across Bridgend with the support of Bridgend County Borough Council.



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